The documents on this page are provided for educational and personal purposes exclusively and are subject to copyrights of the respective publishers.

Please also review Professor Wardle’s Google Scholar page.


R. Kopp, X. Ni, P. Nordin, P. Hallander, L.Selegård, B. L. Wardle.

Hygrothermal progressive damage in open-hole compression of composite laminates with aligned carbon nanotube interlaminar reinforcement studied by X-ray micro-computed tomography

Composites Part B: Engineering 278, pp. 111391, June 2024

C.X. Li, T. J. Hank, E. Kalfon-Cohen, C. Furtado, J. Lee, S. Cassady, J. Tucker, S. S. Kessler, and B. L. Wardle

Manufacturing Autoclave-Grade Thermoset Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Aerospace Composites without an Autoclave Using Nanoporous Materials

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (19), pp. 25280-25293, May 2024

C. Furtado, R. Kopp, X. Ni, C. Sarrado, E. Kalfon-Cohen, B. L. Wardle, and P. P. Camanho

J-Integral Experimental Reduction Reveals Fracture Toughness Improvements in Thin-Ply Carbon Fiber Laminates with Aligned Carbon Nanotube Interlaminar Reinforcement

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (16), pp. 20980-20989, April 2024

J. Schneider, S. Basak, Y. Hou, J. H. Koo, B.L. Wardle, N. Gadegaard, and S. Kumar

3D-Printed Polyetheretherketone Smart Polymer Nanocomposite Scaffolds: Mechanical, Self-Sensing, and Biological Attributes

Advanced Engineering Materials 26 (4), pp. 2301659, February 2024


S. Y. Park, S. Y. On, J. Kim, J. Lee, T. S. Kim, B. L. Wardle, and S. S. Kim.

Reducing Bonding Temperature and Energy Consumption in Electronic Packaging Using Flash Electro-Thermal Carbon Fiber Heating Elements

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (32), pp. 38750-38758. August 2023

M. Lilli, L. Acauan, C. Scheffler, J. Tirillò, R. Guzmánde Villoria, B.L. Wardle, F. Sarasini

Low temperature direct growth of carbon nanostructures on basalt fibers

Composites Part B: Engineering 262, pp. 110826, August 2023

X. Li, F. Daso, J. Lee, J. Spangler, J.P. Canart, M. Kinsella, B. L. Wardle.

Consolidation of aerospace-grade high-temperature thermoplastic carbon fiber composites via nano-engineered electrothermal heating

Composites Part B: Engineering 262, pp. 110814, August 2023

S. Kumar, M.A. Khan, B. L. Wardle, J.N. Reddy.

Pullout characteristics of functionally graded and degraded adhesive anchors

European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids 99, pp. 104950, June 2023

Hilal Goktas, Noa Lachman, Estelle Kalfon-Cohen, Xiaoxue Wang, Stephen Torosian, Karen K Gleason and Brian L Wardle.

Facile growth of high-yield and -crystallinity vertically aligned carbon nanotubes via a sublimated ferric chloride catalyst precursor

Nano Futures 7 (2), pp. 025001, April 2023

A. L. Kaiser, A. R. Vanderhout, L. H. Acauan, J. C. Nwenyi, I. Y. Stein, B. L. Wardle.

Extreme hardness via nanoscale confinement effects in ultra-low density carbon matrix nanocomposites

Carbon 207, pp. 245-260, April 2023

A. L. Kaiser, L. H. Acauan, A. R. Vanderhout, A. Zaman, D. L. Lidston, I. Y. Stein, and B. L. Wardle.

Selectively Tuning the Substrate Adhesion Strength of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays via Thermal Postgrowth Processing

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (13), pp. 17029–17044, March 2023

S. Y. Park, S. Y. On, J. Kim, J. Lee, T. S. Kim, B. L. Wardle, and S. S. Kim.

Electronic Packaging Enhancement Engineered by Reducing the Bonding Temperature via Modified Cure Cycles

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (8), pp. 11024–11032, January 2023


L. H. Acauan, H. Wang, Y. Zheng, M. Liu, S. Maruyama, R. Xiang, B. L. Wardle

Micro- and Macrostructures of Aligned Boron Nitride Nanotube Arrays

ACS Nano 16 (11), pp. 18178-18186, November 2022

K. Ball, Y. Lee, C. Furtado, A. Arteiro, P. Patel, M. Majkut, L. Helfen, B. L. Wardle, M. Mavrogordato, I. Sinclair, et al.

Gaining mechanistic insight into key factors contributing to crack path transition in particle toughened carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites using 3D X-ray computed tomography

Energy Reports 8 (11), pp. 61-66, November 2022

M. A. Khan, B. L. Wardle, S. Kumar

Elastic solutions for stresses in compliance-tailored adhesive anchors

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 118, pp. 103227, October 2022

A. L. Kaiser, C. A. Chazot, L. H. Acauan, I. V. Albelo, J. Lee, J. L. Gair, A. J. Hart, I. Y. Stein, B. L. Wardle

High-Volume-Fraction Textured Carbon Nanotube–Bis(maleimide) and −Epoxy Matrix Polymer Nanocomposites: Implications for High-Performance Structural Composites

ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (7), pp. 9008-9023, July 2022

J. Ubaid, J. Schneider, V. S. Deshpande, B. L. Wardle, S. Kumar

Multifunctionality of nanoengineered self‐sensing lattices enabled by additive manufacturing

Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (7), pp. 2200194, July 2022


J. Staal, B. Caglar, T. Hank, B. L. Wardle, L. Gorbatikh, S. V. Lomov, V. Michaud

In-series sample methodology for permeability characterization demonstrated on carbon nanotube-grafted alumina textiles

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 150, pp. 106631, November 2021

X. Ni, R. Kopp, E. Kalfon-Cohen, C. Furtado, J. Lee, A. Arteiro, G. Borstnar, M. N. Mavrogordato, L. Helfen, …, B. L. Wardle

In situ synchrotron computed tomography study of nanoscale interlaminar reinforcement and thin-ply effects on damage progression in composite laminates

Composites Part B: Engineering 217, pp. 108623, July 2021

S. Wang, Z. Huang, W. Shi, D. Lee, Q. Wang, W. Shang, Y. Stein, Y. Shao-Horn, T. Deng, B. L. Wardle, et al.

Unzipping Carbon Nanotube Bundles through NH−π Stacking for Enhanced Electrical and Thermal Transport

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (24), pp. 28583-28592, June 2021

J. Cha, K. Hasegawa, J. Lee, I. Y. Stein, A. Miura, S. Noda, J. Shiomi, S. Chiashi, B. L. Wardle, S. Maruyama

Thermal properties of single-walled carbon nanotube forests with various volume fractions

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 171, pp. 121076, June 2021

L. H. Acauan, A. L. Kaiser, B. L. Wardle

Direct synthesis of carbon nanomaterials via surface activation of bulk copper

Carbon 177, pp. 1-10, June 2021

H. Wang, Z. Yao, L. Acauan, J. Kong, B. L. Wardle

Toward MXene interconnects

Matter 4 (5), pp. 1447-1449, May 2021

A. L. Kaiser, D. L. Lidston, S. C. Peterson, L. H. Acauan, S. A. Steiner, R. Guzman De Villoria, A. R. Vanderhout, I. Y. Stein, B. L. Wardle

Substrate adhesion evolves non-monotonically with processing time in millimeter-scale aligned carbon nanotube arrays

Nanoscale 13 (1), pp. 261-271, January 2021

C. Furtado, R. P. Tavares, A. Arteiro, J. Xavier, P. Linde, B. L. Wardle, P. P. Camanho

Effects of ply thickness and architecture on the strength of composite sub-structures

Composite Structures 256, pp. 113061, January 2021


F. Alam, K. M. Varadarajan, J. H. Koo, B. L. Wardle, S. Kumar

Additively Manufactured Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) with Carbon Nanostructure Reinforcement for Biomedical Structural Applications

Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (10), pp. 2000483, October 2020

Ni, X., Acauan, L., and Wardle, B.L.

Coherent nanofiber array buckling-enabled synthesis of hierarchical layered composites with enhanced strength

Extreme Mechanics Letters 39, pp. 100773, September 2020

C.van Grootel, A., Chang, J.C., Wardle, B.L., and Olivetti, E.,

Manufacturing variability drives significant environmental and economic impact: the case of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites in the aerospace industry

Journal of Cleaner Production 261, pp. 121087, July 2020

Ubaid, J., Wardle, B.L., and Kumar, S.,

Bioinspired Compliance Grading Motif of Mortar in Nacreous Materials

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (29), pp. 33256-33266, July 2020

N. K. Fritz, R. Kopp, A. K. Nason, X. Ni, J. Lee, I. Y. Stein, E. Kalfon-Cohen, I. Sinclair, S. M. Spearing, …, B. L. Wardle

New interlaminar features and void distributions in advanced aerospace-grade composites revealed via automated algorithms using micro-computed tomography

Composites Science and Technology 193, pp. 108132, June 2020

Lee, J., Kessler, S.S., Wardle, B.L.,

Void‐Free Layered Polymeric Architectures via Capillary‐Action of Nanoporous Films

Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (4), pp. 1901427, January 2020

Furtado, C., Arteiro, A., Linde, P, Wardle, B.L., Camanho, P.P.,

Is there a ply thickness effect on the mode I intralaminar fracture toughness of composite laminates?

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, pp. 102473, January 2020

Hassan, A.M., Islam, M.K., On, S., Natarajan, B., Stein, I.Y., Lachman, N., Cohen, E., Wardle, B.L., Sharma, R., Liddle, J.A., and Garboczi, E.J.,

Modeling the Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Carbon Nanotube Composites Characterized by 3-D Tomographic Transmission Electron Microscopy

IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1, pp. 142-158, January 2020


Furtado, C., Catalanotti, G., Arteiro, A., Gray, P.J., Wardle, B.L., Camanho, P.P.

Simulation of failure in laminated polymer composites: building-block validation

Composite Structures 226, pp. 111168, June 2019

Acauan, L., Zhou, Y., Kalfon-Cohen, E., Fritz, N., & Wardle, B.

Multifunctional nanocomposite structural separators for energy storage

Nanoscale 11, pp. 21964-21973, 2019

Natarajan, B, Stein, I.Y., Lachman, N., Yamamoto, N., Jacobs, D.S., Sharma, R., Liddle, J.A., and Wardle, B.L.

Aligned carbon nanotube morphogenesis predicts physical properties of their polymer nanocomposites

Nanoscale 11, pp. 16327-16335, 2019

Li, R., Antunes, E.F., Kalfon-Cohen, E., Kudo, A., Acauan, L., Yang, W.-C.D., Wang, C., Cui, K., Liotta, A.H., Rajan, A.G., Gardener, J., Bell, D.C., Strano, M.S., Liddle, J.A., Sharma, R., Wardle, B.L.

Low-Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanotubes Catalyzed by Sodium-based Ingredients

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (27), pp. 9204-9209, July 2019

Zhou, Y., Wang, X., Acauan, L., Kalfon-Cohen, E., Ni, X., Stein, Y., Gleason, K.K., and Wardle B.L.

Ultrahigh-Areal-Capacitance Flexible Supercapacitor Electrodes Enabled by Conformal P3MT on Horizontally Aligned Carbon-Nanotube Arrays

Advanced Materials 31 (30), pp. 1901916, June 2019

X. Ni, C. Furtado, E. Kalfon-Cohen, Y. Zhou, G. A. Valdes, T. J. Hank, P. P. Camanho, B. L. Wardle

Static and fatigue interlaminar shear reinforcement in aligned carbon nanotube-reinforced hierarchical advanced composites

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 120, pp. 106-115, May 2019


A. L. Kaiser*, I. Y. Stein*, K. Cui, and B. L. Wardle

Process-morphology scaling relations quantify self-organization in capillary densified nanofiber arrays

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (6), pp. 3876-3881, 2018

E. Dugbenoo, M. F. Arif, B. L. Wardle, S. Kumar

Enhanced Bonding via Additive Manufacturing-Enabled Surface Tailoring of 3D Printed Continuous-Fiber Composites

Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (12), pp. 1800691, December 2018

H. K. Mutha, H. J. Cho, M. Hashempour, B. L. Wardle, C. V. Thompson, E. N. Wang

Salt rejection in flow-between capacitive deionization devices

Desalination 437, pp. 154-163, July 2018

J. L. Gair, R. H. Lambeth, D. P. Cole, D. L. Lidston, I. Y. Stein, E. Kalfon-Cohen, A. J. Hsieh, H. A. Bruck, M. L. Bundy, B. L. Wardle

Strong process-structure interaction in stoveable poly(urethane-urea) aligned carbon nanotube nanocomposites

Composites Science and Technology 166, pp. 115-124, September 2018

J. Lee, X. Ni, F. Daso, X. Xiao, D. King, J. S. Gómez, T. B. Varela, S. S. Kessler, B. L. Wardle

Advanced carbon fiber composite out-of-autoclave laminate manufacture via nanostructured out-of-oven conductive curing

Composites Science and Technology 166, pp. 150-159, September 2018

E. Kalfon-Cohen, R. Kopp, C. Furtado, X. Ni, A. Arteiro, G. Borstnar, M. N. Mavrogordato, I. Sinclair, S. M. Spearing, P. P. Camanho, B. L. Wardle

Synergetic effects of thin plies and aligned carbon nanotube interlaminar reinforcement in composite laminates

Composites Science and Technology 166, pp. 160-168, September 2018

A. Kudo, S. M. Jung, M. S. Strano, J. Kong, B. L. Wardle

Catalytic synthesis of few-layer graphene on titania nanowires

Nanoscale 10 (3), pp. 1015-1022, 2018

S. Kumar, B. L. Wardle, M. F. Arif, J. Ubaid

Stress Reduction of 3D Printed Compliance-Tailored Multilayers

Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (1), pp. 1700883, January 2018


Itai Y. Stein, Ashley L. Kaiser, Alexander J. Constable, Luiz Acauan, Brian L. Wardle
Mesoscale evolution of non-graphitizing pyrolytic carbon in aligned carbon nanotube carbon matrix nanocomposites

Journal of Materials Science 52, pp. 13799–13811, August 2017

N. Lachman*, I. Y. Stein*, A. Ugur*, D. L. Lidston, K. K. Gleason, and B. L. Wardle
Synthesis of polymer bead nano-necklaces on aligned carbon nanotube scaffolds
Nanotechnology 28, May 2017

I. Y. Stein, A. J. Constable, N. Morales-Medina, C. V. Sackier, M. E. Devoe, H. M. Vincent, and B. L. Wardle
Structure-mechanical property relations of non-graphitizing pyrolytic carbon synthesized at low temperatures

Carbon 117, pp. 411-420, June 2017

H. K. Mutha, Y. Lu, I. Y. Stein, H. J. Cho, M. E. Suss, T. Laoui, C. V. Thompson, B. L. Wardle, and E. N. Wang
Porosimetry and packing morphology of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube arrays via impedance spectroscopy
Nanotechnology 28, 2017

A. Krishnamurthy, D. L. Hunston, A. L. Forster, B. Natarajan, A. H. Liotta, S. S. Wicks, P. E. Stutzman, B. L. Wardle, J. A. Liddle, A. M. Forster

Enhanced durability of carbon nanotube grafted hierarchical ceramic microfiber-reinforced epoxy composites

Carbon 125, pp. 63-75. December 2017

C. Furtado, A. Arteiro, M. A. Bessa, B. L. Wardle, P. P. Camanho

Prediction of size effects in open-hole laminates using only the Young’s modulus, the strength, and the R -curve of the 0° ply

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 101, pp. 306-317, October 2017

A. Kudo, S. A. Steiner, B. C. Bayer, P. R. Kidambi, S. Hofmann, M. S. Strano, B. L. Wardle

Mechanisms of titania nanoparticle mediated growth of turbostratic carbon nanotubes and nanofibers

Journal of Applied Physics 122 (1), pp. 014301, July 2017


S. Kumar, B. L. Wardle, M. F. Arif

Strength and Performance Enhancement of Bonded Joints by Spatial Tailoring of Adhesive Compliance via 3D Printing

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (1), pp. 884-891, December 2016

Pingwei Liu, Zhong Jin, Georgios Katsukis, Lee William Drahushuk, Steven Shimizu, Chih-Jen Shih, Eric D. Wetzel, Joshua K. Taggart-Scarff, Bo Qing, Krystyn J. Van Vliet, Richard Li, Brian L. Wardle, and Michael S. Strano

Layered and scrolled nanocomposites with aligned semi-infinite graphene inclusions at the platelet limit

Science 353 (6297), pp. 364-367, July 2016

R. Guzman de Villoria, P. Hallander, L. Ydrefors, P. Nordin, B.L. Wardle

In-plane strength enhancement of laminated composites via aligned carbon nanotube interlaminar reinforcement

Composites Science and Technology 133, pp. 33–39, September 201

Larissa Gorbatikh , Brian L. Wardle, and Stepan V. Lomov

Hierarchical Lightweight Materials for Structural Applications

MRS Bulletin 41 (9), pp. 672-677, September 2016

M. Ali Aravand, Oksana Shishkina, Ilya Straumit , Andrew H. Liotta, Sunny S. Wicks, Brian L. Wardle, Stepan V. Lomov, Larissa Gorbatikh

Internal geometry of woven composite laminates with ‘‘fuzzy” carbon nanotube grafted fibers

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 88, pp. 295–304, September 2016

C. A. Amade, I. Y. Stein, G. J. Silverberg, B. L. Wardle, and C. D. Vecitis

Fabrication and morphology tuning of graphene oxide nanoscrolls

Nanoscale 8 (12), 6783-6791, 2016

I. Y. Stein, and B. L. Wardle
Packing morphology of wavy nanofiber arrays

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2), pp. 694-699, 2016

Wang, X., Ugur, A., Goktas, H., Chen, N., Wang, M., Lachman, N., Kalfon-Cohen, E., Fang, W., Wardle, B. L., Gleason, K. K.

Room Temperature Resistive Volatile Organic Compound Sensing Materials Based on a Hybrid Structure of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes and Conformal oCVD/iCVD Polymer Coatings

ACS Sensors 1 (4), pp. 374-383, January 2016


Paulo C. Lozano , Brian L. Wardle , Padraig Moloney , and Suraj Rawal
Nanoengineered thrusters for the next giant leap in space exploration

MRS Bulletin 40 (10) pp. 842-849, October 2015

Yost, A.L., Shahsavari, S., Bradwell,G.M., Polak, R., Fachin, F., Cohen, R.E., McKinley, G.H., Toner, M., Rubner, M.F., and Wardle, B.L.
Layer-by-layer functionalized nanotube arrays: A versatile microfluidic platform for biodetection

Microsystems & Nanoengineering 1, pp. 15037-15044, 2015

Yoonjin Won, Yuan Gao, Roberto Guzman de Villoria, Brian L Wardle, Rong Xiang, Shigeo Maruyama, Thomas W Kenny and Kenneth E Goodson
Nonhomogeneous morphology and the elastic modulus of aligned carbon nanotube films

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 25, pp. 115023, 2015

Bharath Natarajan, Noa Lachman, Thomas Lam, Douglas Jacobs, Christian Long, Minhua Zhao, Brian L. Wardle, Renu Sharma, and J. Alexander Liddle

The Evolution of Carbon Nanotube Network Structure in Unidirectional Nanocomposites Resolved by Quantitative Electron Tomography
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (6), pp. 6050–6058, June 2015

Wardle, Brian, Kim, Miso, Dugundji, John.

Efficiency of piezoelectric mechanical vibration energy harvesting

Smart Materials and Structures 24 (5), pp. 055006, 2015

Jeonyoon Lee, Itai Y. Stein, Seth Kessler and Brian L. Wardle.

Aligned Carbon Nanotube Film Enables Thermally Induced State Transformations in Layered Polymeric Materials

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  7 (16), pp. 8900–8905, April 2015

Kim, Miso, Dugundji, John, Wardle, Brian.

Effect of electrode configurations on piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting performance

Smart Materials and Structures 24 (4), pp. 045026, 2015

Jeonyoon Lee, Itai Y. Stein, Mackenzie E. Devoe, Diana J. Lewis, Noa Lachman, Seth S. Kessler, Samuel T. Buschhorn, and Brian L. Wardle

Impact of carbon nanotube length on electron transport in aligned carbon nanotube networks

Applied Physics Letters  106, pp. 053110, 2015

Oliveira, C.C., Sepúlveda, A.T., Almeida, N., Wardle, B.L., Machado da Silva, J., and Rocha, L.A.,
Implantable Flexible Pressure Measurement System Based on Inductive Coupling

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (2), pp. 680-687, February 2015

Canonica, M.D., Wardle, B.L., Lozano, P.C.

Micro-patterning of porous alumina layers with aligned nanopores

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 25 (1), pp. 015017, January 2015


Stephen A. Steiner, III, Richard Li, and Brian L. Wardle
Circumventing the Mechanochemical Origins of Strength Loss in the Synthesis of Hierarchical Carbon Fibers

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5 (11), pp. 4892-4903, 2013

Daniel Handlin, Itai Y. Stein, Roberto Guzman de Villoria, Hulya Cebeci, Ethan M. Parsons, Simona Socrate, Stephen Scotti, and Brian L. Wardle
Three-dimensional elastic constitutive relations of aligned carbon nanotube architectures

Journal of Applied Physics 114, pp. 224310, 2013

Mehdi Ghaffaria, Suppanat Kosolwattana, Yue Zhoub, Noa Lachmand, Minren Linb,Dhiman Bhattacharyae, Karen K. Gleasone, Brian L. Wardle, Q.M. Zhang

Hybrid supercapacitor materials frompoly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) conformally coated aligned Carbon nanotubes

Electrochimica Acta 112, pp 522–528, (2013)

A. T. Sepúlveda, R. Guzman de Villoria, J. C. Viana, A. J. Pontes, B. L. Wardle and L. A. Rocha
Full elastic constitutive relation of non-isotropic aligned-CNT/PDMS flexible nanocomposites

Nanoscale 5 (11), pp. 4847-4854, 2013

Itai Y. Stein and Brian L. Wardle
Coordination number model to quantify packing morphology of aligned nanowire arrays

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (11), pp. 4033 – 4040, 2013

Robert R. Mitchell, Namiko Yamamoto, Hülya Cebeci, Brian L. Wardle, Carl V. Thompson
A technique for spatially-resolved contact resistance-free electrical conductivity measurements of aligned-carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites

Composites Science and Technology 74 (24), pp. 205-210, November 2013


A.T. Sepúlveda, R. Guzmán de Villoria, J.C. Vianaa, A.J. Pontesa, B.L. Wardle and L.A. Rocha
Flexible Pressure Sensors: Modeling and Experimental Characterization
Procedia Engineering 47, pp. 1177–1180, 2012

Fachin, F., Nikles, S.A., and B.L. Wardle
Mechanics of Out-of-Plane MEMS via Postbuckling: Model-Experiment Demonstration Using CMOS
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 21 (3), pp. 621 – 634, 2012

Chen, G.D., Fachin, F., Colombini, E., Wardle, B.L., and M. Toner
Nanoporous Micro-element Arrays for Particle Interception in Microfluidic Cell Separation
Lab on a Chip 12 (17), pp. 3159 – 3167, 2012

Lachman, N., Wiesel, E., Guzmán de Villoria, R., Wardle, B.L., and H. D. Wagner
Interfacial Load Transfer in Carbon Nanotube/Ceramic Microfiber Hybrid Composites
Composites Science and Technology 72 (12), pp. 1416-1422, July 2012

Liu, Y., Zhao, R., Ghaffari, M., Lin, J., Liu, S., Cebeci, H., Guzmán de Villoria, R., Montazami, R., Wang, D., Wardle, B.L., Heflin, J.R., and Q.M. Zhang
Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Ionomer and Ionic Polymer Conductive Network Composite Actuators Containing Ionic Liquids
Sensors and Actuators A 181, pp. 70–76, 2012


Fachin, F., Chen, G.D., M. Toner, and B.L. Wardle
Integration of Bulk Nanoporous Elements in Microfluidic Devices with Application to Biomedical Diagnostics
J. of Microelectromechanical Systems 20 (6), pp. 1428 – 1438, 2011

Roberto Guzmán de Villoria, A. John Hart, and Brian L. Wardle
Continuous High-Yield Production of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on 2D and 3D Substrates
ACS Nano 5 (6), pp. 4850–4857, 2011

Amy M. Marconnet, Namiko Yamamoto, Matthew A. Panzer, Brian L.Wardle, Kenneth E. Goodson
Thermal Conduction in Aligned Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites with High Packing Density
ACS Nano 5 (6), pp. 4818–4825, 2011

Grace D. Chen, Fabio Fachin, Marta Fernandez-Suarez, Brian L. Wardle, Mehmet Toner
Nanoporous Elements in Microfluidics for Multiscale Manipulation of Bioparticles
Small 7, pp. 1061–1067, 2011

Roberto Guzman de Villoria, Namiko Yamamoto, Antonio Miravete and Brian L Wardle
Multi-physics damage sensing in nano-engineered structural composites

IOP Science Nanotechnology 22 (18), pp. 185502, 2011


Sunny S. Wicks, Roberto Guzman de Villoria, Brian L. Wardle
Interlaminar and intralaminar reinforcement of composite laminates with aligned carbon nanotubes

Composites Science and Technology, 70 (1), pp. 20-28, January 2010

Bello, D., Wardle, B.L., Zhang, J., Yamamoto, N., Santeufemio, C., Hallock, M., and M.A. Virji
Characterization of Exposures to Nanoscale Particles and Fibers During Solid Core Drilling of Hybrid CNT Advanced Composites
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 16 (4), pp. 434-450, 2010

Sheng Liu, Yang Liu, Hülya Cebeci, Roberto Guzmán de Villoria, Jun-Hong Lin, Brian L. Wardle, and Q. M. Zhang
High Electromechanical Response of Ionic Polymer Actuators with Controlled-Morphology Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Nafion Nanocomposite Electrodes
Advanced Functional Material 20, pp. 3266-3271, October 2010

Matthew A. Panzer, Hai M. Duong, Jun Okawa, Junichiro Shiomi, Brian L. Wardle, Shigeo Maruyama and Kenneth E. Goodson
Temperature-Dependent Phonon Conduction and Nanotube Engagement in Metalized Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Films
Nano Letters 10 (7), pp. 2395–2400 , May 2010
DOI: 10.1021/nl100443x

Drakonakis, V.M., Seferis, J.C., Wardle, B.L., Nam, J.-D., Papanicolaou, G.C., and C.C. Doumanidis
Kinetic Viscoelasticity Modeling Applied to Degradation During Carbon–Carbon Composite Processing
Acta Astronautica 66 (7-8), pp. 1189–1200, 2010

Hai M. Duong, Namiko Yamamoto, Khoa Bui, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Shigeo Maruyama and Brian L. Wardle
Morphology Effects on Nonisotropic Thermal Conduction of Aligned Single-Walled and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Nanocomposites
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 19, pp. 8851-8860, April 2010

Drakonakis, V.M., Velisaris, C. N., Seferis, J.C., Doumanidis, C.C., Wardle, B.L., and G. C. Papanicolaou
Matrix Hybridization in the Interlayer for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites
Polymer Composites 31 (11), pp. 1965–1976, 2010

Yamamoto, N., Quinn, D.J., Wicks, N., Hertz, J.L., Cui, J., Tuller, H.L., and B.L. Wardle
Non-linear Design for Microfabricated Large-area Self-supported Thin Plates in the Post-buckling Regime
J. of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20, 2010

Kim, M., Hoegen, M., Dugundji, J., and B.L. Wardle
Modeling and Experimental Verification of Proof Mass Effects on Vibration Energy Harvester Performance
Smart Materials and Structures 19, 2010


Sreeram Vaddiraju, Hülya Cebeci Karen K. Gleason, and Brian L. Wardle
Hierarchical Multifunctional Composites by Conformally Coating Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays with Conducting Polymer
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 1 (11), pp. 2565–2572, November 2009

R Guzmán de Villoria, S L Figueredo, A J Hart, S A Steiner III, A H Slocum and B L Wardle
High-yield growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on a continuously moving substrate

Nanotechnology 20 (40), pp. 405611, October 2009

Hülya Cebeci, Roberto Guzman de Villoria, A. John Hart, Brian L. Wardle
Multifunctional properties of high volume fraction aligned carbon nanotube polymer composites with controlled morphology

Composites Science and Technology 69 (15-16), pp. 2649-2656, December 2009

Stephen A. Steiner III, Theodore F. Baumann, Bernhard C. Bayer, Raoul Blume, Marcus A. Worsley, Warren J. Moberly Chan, Elisabeth L. Shaw, Robert Schlogl, A. John Hart, Stephan Hofmann, and Brian L. Wardle
Nanoscale Zirconia as a Nonmetallic Catalyst for Graphitization of Carbon and Growth of Single- and Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (34), pp. 12144–12154, August 2009

Hai M. Duong, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Kieran J. Mullen, Brian L. Wardle, Shigeo Maruyama
A numerical study on the effective thermal conductivity of biological fluids containing single-walled carbon nanotubes

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (23–24), pp. 5591-5597, November 2009

Duong, H.M., Yamamoto, N., Papavassiliou, D.V., Maruyama, S., and B.L. Wardle
Inter Carbon Nanotube Contact in Thermal Transport of Controlled-Morphology Polymer Nanocomposites
Nanotechnology 20 (15), pp. 155702, April 2009

Namiko Yamamoto, A. John Hart, Brian L. Wardle, Enrique J. Garcia, Sunny S. Wicks, Hai M. Duong, Alexander H. Slocum
High-yield growth and morphology control of aligned carbon nanotubes on ceramic fibers for multifunctional enhancement of structural composites

Carbon 47 (3), pp. 551-560, March 2009

Dhimiter Bello , Brian L. Wardle, Namiko Yamamoto, Roberto Guzman deVilloria, Enrique J. Garcia, Anastasios J. Hart, Kwangseog Ahn, Michael J. Ellenbecker and Marilyn Hallock

Exposure to nanoscale particles and fibers during machining of hybrid advanced composites containing carbon nanotubes

Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11, pp. 231–249, January 2009


H. M. Duong, D. V. Papavassiliou, K. J. Mullen, B.L. Wardle, and S. Maruyama
Calculated thermal properties of single walled carbon nanotube suspensions

J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (50), pp. 19860-19865, 2008

Garcia, E.J., Wardle, B.L., Hart, J., and A. Slocum
Joining Prepreg Composite Interfaces with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
Composites Part A 39 (6), pp. 1065-1070, June 2008

Wardle, B.L., Saito, Diego S., Garcia, E.J., Hart, A.J., Guzman de Villoria, R., Verploegen, E. A.
Fabrication and Characterization of Ultra-High Volume Fraction Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites
Advanced Materials 20 (14), pp. 2655-2796, 2008

Garcia, E.J., Wardle, B.L., Hart, J., Yamamoto, N., and A. Slocum
Fabrication and Multifunctional Properties of a Hybrid Laminate with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Grown In Situ
Composites Science and Technology 68 (9), pp. 2034-2041, July 2008

Bello, D., Hart, A.J., Ahn, K., Hallock, M., Yamamoto, N., Garcia, E.J., Ellenbecker, E.J., and B.L. Wardle
Particle Exposure Levels During CVD Growth and Subsequent Handling of Vertically-aligned Carbon Nanotube Films
Carbon 46 (6), pp. 974-977, May 2008


Garcia, E.J., Hart, J., Wardle, B.L. and A. Slocum
Fabrication and Nanocompression Testing of Aligned CNT/Polymer Nanocomposites
Advanced Materials 19 (16), pp. 2151-2156, 2007

Garcia, E.J., Hart, J., Wardle, B.L. and A. Slocum
Fabrication of Composite Microstructures by Capillarity-driven Wetting of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Polymers
Nanotechnology 18 (16), April 2007

duToit, N.E. and B. L. Wardle
Experimental Verification of Models for Microfabricated Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters
AIAA Journal 45 (5), pp. 1126-113, May 2007


duToit, N.E., and B.L. Wardle
Performance of Microfabricated Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters
Integrated Ferroelectrics 83, pp. 13-23, 2006


duToit, N. E., Wardle, B. L., and S.-G. Kim
Design Considerations for MEMS-scale Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters
Integrated Ferroelectrics 71, pp. 121-160, 2005