necstlab collaboration on nanocomposite crack sensors with Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) and Metis Design Corporation (MDC) featured in AIAA Aerospace America year-end issue

In early 2023, a collaborative effort between MIT, Metis Design Corp., and Analog Devices resulted in the creation of an innovative, ultra-light sensor for structural health monitoring. This 10-gram device, made from polymer nanocomposites, was first deployed on a U.S. Navy destroyer in March. Later in the year, the U.S. Air Force conducted tests on the sensor by installing it on an F-15 fighter jet. The evaluation revealed impressive results, with a 90% likelihood of detecting cracks smaller than 0.5 mm in airframes. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) carried out similar assessments for potential use in commercial aircraft, yielding comparable outcomes. The sensor’s compact size, measuring just 25 millimeters in length, has proven effective in various applications. Looking ahead, Analog Devices is working on developing an even more compact version, aiming for a weight of approximately 1 gram and a length of 12.5 mm.

More information can be found in this Aerospace America AIAA Article:

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